Monday 17 March 2014

Evaluation: Question 1

In what ways does your media product (film opening) use, develop or challenge forms and conventions real media productions (real films)?

Evaluation: Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Representation is the way certain social groups are portrayed in the media, a stereotype becomes apparent after years of representation in media and can be positive or negative. Above is a video made on camtasia that shows a breakdown of the footage in our film, it also displays the stereotypes and themes that you would find in our film.

Evaluation: Question 3

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Evaluation: Question 4

Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

Teen films are mostly enjoyed by teenagers and young adults aged 16-21 as the themes are normally relatable to their lives or are themes that interested in them. Typical themes that would be found in teen films include: coming of age, first love, rebellion, conflict with parents, teen angst or alienation. They usually attract a teen audience as they also normally take place in typical locations that are specific to teens and young adults such as; high school, parties, at home etc. Similarly the characters chosen for teen films are usually characters they can relate to as they either come across these types of in their daily life or can see themselves in the character.  

However the targeted gender of the audience may vary depending on the specific themes as films that include subjects such as; romance, relationships and gossip normally target females whereas films that include; violence, sex and drugs (typically found in Action movies) are usually targeted at males. 

The sub genre of our film opening is Black Feminist Teen Drama and so because of this I feel the audience specific to this genre would attract the audience of black girls from the ages of 16-21.

Specific audience for own film

As our sub-genre very specific/ uncommon we felt that in order to ensure our film was successful we felt it was important to identify the specific target audience that we believed our film opening would appeal to, through the plot, characters, music etc. After careful consideration we believed that the main demographic that our film attract would be young black girls aged 16-21 living in deprived areas. Although the opening created in order to uplift black girls and raise awareness of the issues they face in everyday life, in this way it may be susceptible to a wider audience as we address themes of poverty and single parenthood of which can be relatable to those older or younger than the perceived audience.  

I have created an example of a specific member of my target audience which is displayed below, she is pictured to be a be a young black girl from Brixton (which is a working-class area in London) with a picture of her area in the header. She is shown to be unemployed and looking for work which suggests she lives in poverty, this is proven by her status update and comment on the picture of newly released movie "Ride Along". She has also listed her interest as liking drama films like Boyz in the hood and For Coloured Girls, these are both movies that have inspired our film opening and what we believe are the type of films our target demographic are interested in.

I believe our target audience is represented by the three main characters in the film opening; the hoodrat, the teen mum and the young carer. All of which are stereotypes of young black working-class girls and so relate to our target demographic. In addition to this, all three of the main characters are female and so means that the film is much more likely to be more popular amongst the male gender as they are all bound to identify with at least one of the three main characters. 

Our target audience was also established in the issues addressed in the film, the setting and location. The teen mum and young carer are shown to have to care for another individual, even the young care has to work in order to support her sister which present ideas of poverty. This is also represented the establishing shot at the beginning of our film that shows a flat which is typically identifiable with working class people. 

Throughout the film opening and particularly the hood rat's scenes, we see features of the location such as paint peeling off the walls, a dark dingy hallway and a small elevator which shows evidence of a typical flat. 

The soundtrack to our film would also appeal to this demographic as it is a rap song with r'n'b type singing on the track.This will appeal to our chosen demographic as it is something that they would be interested in and would listen to regularly. We believe by adding the song "All Falls Down" it sums up the message of our film as it conveys struggle. I found the music after searching for copyright free music on creative commons and then soundcloud.

Evaluation: Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

This is an interview with a member of our target audience, young black working-class girls created on Adobe Premiere Pro. She talks about what aspects of the film appealed to her and why they did. 

So far we have reached our audience with twitter and facebook creating accounts on both, also we have recently released our film opening at a local cinema exclusive to students.

Our film opening has also been uploaded onto vimeo and youtube so our audience can view it easily, and our film will also be given out to students in DVD format so they can watch it at home. 

Below shows the movie poster for our film opening displaying a movie review at the top and it has incorporated the urban definition of Sistas into it.

Evaluation: Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


Evaluation: Question 7

Looking back your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Evaluation Question 1

In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or Challenge forms and Conventions of Real Media Products ?

example of split screen

Evaluation Question 2

                                              Teen Stereotypes by Slidely Slideshow

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why ?

Evaluation Question 4

Who Would Be the audience for your media product ?

Girls / Women would be a great audience for my film

Twitter feedback for film
Text conversation

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/Address your audience ?

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Promotional Poster for film

Evaluation Question 6

Evaluation Question 7

Looking Back at Your Preliminary Task, What Do you Feel You have Learnt in The Progression from it to the Full Product ?







Representation is the way certain social groups are portrayed in the media, a stereotype becomes apparent after years of representation in media and can be positive or negative. Above is a video made on camtasia that shows a breakdown of the footage in our film, it also displays the stereotypes and themes that you would find in our film.





As our sub-genre very specific/ uncommon we felt that in order to ensure our film was successful we felt it was important to identify the specific target audience that we believed our film opening would appeal to, through the plot, characters, music etc. After careful consideration we believed that the main demographic that our film attract would be young black girls aged 16-21 living in deprived areas. Although the opening created in order to uplift black girls and raise awareness of the issues they face in everyday life, in this way it may be susceptible to a wider audience as we address themes of poverty and single parenthood of which can be relatable to those older or younger than the perceived audience.  

I believe our target audience is represented by the three main characters in the film opening; the hoodrat, the teen mum and the young carer. All of which are stereotypes of young black working-class girls and so relate to our target demographic. In addition to this, all three of the main characters are female and so means that the film 

is much more likely to be more popular amongst the male gender as they are all bound to identify with at least one of the three main characters. 
 This is the opening of our film. The fact that it starts with a shot of a very tall flat building kind of tells us what kind of film this is going to be an then I think automatically targets our audience.

The soundtrack to our film would also appeal to this demographic as it is a rap song with r'n'b type singing on the track.This will appeal to our chosen demographic as it is something that they would be interested in and would listen to regularly. We believe by adding the song "All Falls Down" it sums up the message of our film as it conveys struggle. I found the music after searching for copyright free music on creative commons and then soundcloud.



Promotional Poster for film

So far we have reached our audience with twitter and facebook creating accounts on both, also we have recently released our film opening at a local cinema exclusive to students.

Our film opening has also been uploaded onto vimeo and youtube so our audience can view it easily, and our film will also be given out tostudents in DVD format so they can watch it at home. 




Our cast is made up of young Black British girls, so we decided to embrace the stereotypes of young black girls. Our opening falls under the categories of ethnicity, age (representation) and gender.
Women are highly represented in our film opening due to the fact that the cast consists only  of females. All of the themes presented in our film opening are stereotypical female themes as they include struggle, pain or caring for others. These themes are presented through our characters of a hood rat, teen mum and young carer who are all seen living in destitute conditions or have to care for another individual.

In the film industry women usually play passive roles, are in need of protection and are not really seen as independent. We decided to break these conventions by creating strong independent characters, that are actively handling their various issues on their own. The teen mum who is loving and caring towards her child, is going through everything on her own (no parents or male partner). Much like in Precious as although she is shown to live with her mother and has no support from anyone but herself and is constantly abused.

                                     Our young mum and Precious with their babies.

 Teenagers in film are usually represented as delinquents that go around causing trouble and are lazy individuals. In our opening we decided to embrace this stereotype and so represented teenagers in a negative aspect. The hood rat character from our film could be compared to Danielle from the movie "SKET" in the way that they both are hard individuals who are the product of their environment and hardships they have faced in their lives. They are both presented to live in an estate which suggests they live in poverty.
                                           Our character and Danielle from 'SKET'

One character from our opening (the Young Carer), presents strong feelings of independence (has a job and looks after sibling) and could in some way be compared to Big Momma from the movie "Soul Food". This is because she tries to keep the family together on her own whilst caring for everyone in it.
                                                        Our carer and Big Momma

Binary oppositions

We have a teen mum that lacks a male partner and is living on her own without any parents. She is struggling, which we made visible through our mise-en-scene of the house being messy and her using the couch as her bed. The hood rat is against society, refusing to apply to having to go to school and being social. Instead she dresses how she wants to; Black track suits , big hoodies and beanies that hide her face, this makes her look like a rebel. Lastly the young carer who is independent and looks after a sick sibling and has a job, Society has it the other way round, she would be looked after by her parents, would be in school instead of working and an older relative would be caring for her sick sibling (parents/grandparents). Our film challenges the way teens are stereotypically presented in films and instead take a more realistic approach to it.