Monday 17 March 2014



As our sub-genre very specific/ uncommon we felt that in order to ensure our film was successful we felt it was important to identify the specific target audience that we believed our film opening would appeal to, through the plot, characters, music etc. After careful consideration we believed that the main demographic that our film attract would be young black girls aged 16-21 living in deprived areas. Although the opening created in order to uplift black girls and raise awareness of the issues they face in everyday life, in this way it may be susceptible to a wider audience as we address themes of poverty and single parenthood of which can be relatable to those older or younger than the perceived audience.  

I believe our target audience is represented by the three main characters in the film opening; the hoodrat, the teen mum and the young carer. All of which are stereotypes of young black working-class girls and so relate to our target demographic. In addition to this, all three of the main characters are female and so means that the film 

is much more likely to be more popular amongst the male gender as they are all bound to identify with at least one of the three main characters. 
 This is the opening of our film. The fact that it starts with a shot of a very tall flat building kind of tells us what kind of film this is going to be an then I think automatically targets our audience.

The soundtrack to our film would also appeal to this demographic as it is a rap song with r'n'b type singing on the track.This will appeal to our chosen demographic as it is something that they would be interested in and would listen to regularly. We believe by adding the song "All Falls Down" it sums up the message of our film as it conveys struggle. I found the music after searching for copyright free music on creative commons and then soundcloud.

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