Sunday 9 February 2014


What have we been doing?

We had scheduled to film this weekend but due to some problems we couldn't and will be filming next Thursday (12/02) morning (9 am-11.50 am) during our 3 hour lesson. We will all make our ways separately to the location as we will be leaving from our own homes. We will also film the next day, Friday (14/02) from 10am (or earlier) until late 4 or 5 in the afternoon. We were going to film during the half term but cannot, as a member (Grace) in our group has to go away on a family emergency. The rest of us will meet during the half term week to reshoot our parts or add any extra shots (for example, we can film outdoors scenes). Our missing member will return the following saturday, so we will continue filming that day and the next day too (sunday).
I am a bit worried that we won't have enough time to film and don't want to rush it as then it wouldn't come out good. Hopefully if everything goes to plan we will be ready with all the shots done ready to edit on Monday 24th (first lesson back after half term).
Fingers crossed to everything going to plan.

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