Tuesday 11 March 2014


Below is just a quick screenshot I did whilst I was editing the film. I was in the process of putting the new split screen idea to our film. It took me an hour to put the clips together and then several hours to split screen. It took me long to put the shots into split screen as i had never edited before and had to learn from another member in my group (Sophie :). It is very easy to make split screen, what you have to pay attention is not overlaying the shots (if more than one is presented) and making sure that the shots match up. For example, my screenshot below is of me, the one on the left is of me laying down and the one on the right i am standing up. So when i present this on a split screen, I would use both and have the one of me laying down appear first then me standing up. 
I have finished putting the clips together and the split screen effect too, tomorrow I just have to add the idents. One ident has already been made, which i did by using Motion and the other ident is being created by Sophie. We will also be adding some Foley sounds, such as a baby crying, door closing and opening and someone walking down the stairs. The sounds won't be too loud as we have music playing throughout our whole opening, so it won't be loud but will still be heard.

Okay, well i better get back to perfecting our film so we are ready for tomorrow! WOOP!

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