Wednesday 1 January 2014

Representations in Teen Films

Stereotypical Characters 

The characters chosen in teen films are normally based on stereotypes of that particular group such as; jocks being handsome and popular. A stereotype is generally a pre-set for a character as it is a exaggerated and distorted representation of a group of people. In films extreme stereotypes are used in order to make clear what their character is to the audience, they can be spotted through exaggerated costumes or appearance and the music playing when the character is introduced. Examples of these stereotypes are:

The Pretty Ugly Girl

This particular stereotype is shown by the geek or outcast who transformed into a pretty girl with a makeover.This usually entails taking off her glasses and changing her hair, during this transformation they may play twinkley music in order to represent this "drastic" change.

The Princess Diaries

She's All That

The Nasty Cheerleader
This character is normally represented by a girl wearing a cheerleading uniform who has a beautiful appearance and popularity. This character is usually shown to put down others while upkeeping their egotistical nature and vanity. Music playing during their introduction would most likely be rock music.

Bring it On 

The Wannabe

This is an interesting character in the way they take on the persona of a different social group, this is usually because they admire their style or they are trying to find themselves. They may be introduced with music that would apply to that group or silence to signify the awkwardness of the situation.

House Party 2

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