Thursday 9 January 2014


Locations and mise-en-scene 
In the clip there are many different locations used however they are all within school premises. In the beginning we can see a yellow school bus and students getting off, the next location is the entrance of the school we can see the typical look of a school such as a green front porch, stairs to the school entrance and large windows.
The following location is the hallway of the school here we can see that all of the students have a school uniform, which is a white shirt and either navy blue school dress for girls or navy blue trousers for boys. In the hallways yet again we can see a typical school look such as each students having their own locker, books, teachers invigilating the halls and notice boards about clubs and what not.
The following locations are within the school premises and these are outside in the school playground and next to the school statue where we can see students walking around in their groups or clangs.
The last location used is in a classroom, in this location we can see that in the muse-en-scene there are books, tables,, chairs, the USA flag, a teacher at the front of the class and students. All of these background details create a successful world of school.

Rebel student is walking down the hallway. 
Next to the statue, outside in the school playground. 
In the classroom.
In the beginning we can see that there is a boy who has an unbuttoned shirt which  makes him look unpresentable and not ready to go to school. He also pulls a funny face at the teachers which shows that he has no respect for the teacher and he is not taken seriously. The teacher then reacts by giving the student an evil eye and then follows him indicating that he is going to get into trouble.
Next, we see a girl who's looking into her mirror suggesting that she's insecure and more worried about how she looks rather than focusing on her studies. 

One of the characters - The teacher giving the evil eye and the other looking into the mirror. 

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