Thursday 2 January 2014


  • Pre-set of a character
  • Generalisation about a particular group of people
  • An image of a particular type of person
  • Exaggerated and distorted representation of groups of people

Stereotypical characters

The perfect girl
Usually.. has long hair, tight clothes, nice smile and very beautiful.

The token black guy

Usually the only black guy around white friends. Has typical catchphrases such as "oh god", "damn" etc.

The nasty cheerleader

Usually the head cheerleader, they have a lot of attitude, think they are the best, she is mean to the new cheerleaders and also beautiful/pretty.

The popular jock

 Most of the time, he is the ladies man, all of the girls in the school would love to be with him. He is the leader in his group of friends. Most people look up to him. In some cases, he could be very stuck up or mean. In others, he could be the hero or prince charming.

The ugly pretty girl
Usually a very quiet, shy and reserved. Doesn't usually fit in with the rest. Most of the time wears glasses and doesn't look their best. Sometimes have hidden talents.

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