Thursday 9 January 2014

Travelling and Arriving

Breakfast Club

Breakfast club is a 1985 coming-of-age comedy drama. The story follows the lives of five teenagers (a Brain, an Athlete, a Basket Case, a Princess and a Criminal) stuck in Saturday detention. The start of the film simply displays the teens arriving to the school, the director cleverly uses the way in which the protagonists arrived at the school in order to introduce personality of each character. During the course of the movie we see these characters develop and change. The reappearance of these vehicles display that although this detention has changed who they are, their lives stay the same.

Claire (Princess)

The "Princess" (Claire) arrives to school driven in a BMW by her father. This subtly reflects her "prom queen" persona in the classy, clean and spacious appearance of the car. Through this it is made apparent to the audience that she comes from quite a privileged background. This also confirmed as she asks her father "can't you get me out of this", this implies that she uses her father's status(or money) to get her out of situations such as this. This displays her princess mentality.

The "Brain" (Brian) however is different to Claire as arrives to school in an inexpensive car which is quite average looking and commonly owned, the car also holds him, his mum and sister all cramped up in the front seat this represents that he is of a poorer background than Claire as it is less spacious and so is not as relaxed as the aforementioned. From this it is portrayed to the audience that he is in fact an average guy from a working class background.


The "Jock" (Andrew) is portrayed to be an all american football player, this is shown through the station wagon he arrives to his detention in. The fact is driven to school by his dad confirms this as typically a jock is pushed by his father to do his best in the sport, this is also portrayed through his father shouting at him over "football scholarships". The station wagon also conveys this as they are usually quite sporty and are classed as an all american type of vehicle.

Allison(Basket case)

Allison is quite different from the others as her mode of transport does not her personality but rather displays a reason for it. Although she comes to school in what seems to be an average car, as she gets out of the car she walks to say by to her parent but they drive away as soon as she looks through the window. The fact the windows of the car are slightly tinted so we can't see the parent, implies that her parents (although live with her) are not present in her life or she doesn't see them very often. The absence of her parents in her life could be be why she seems so troubled.


Bender is shown to walk to his detention, this is somewhat similar to Allison's mode of transport but is different as shown by the complete absence a parental figure. The fact he is walking and not being driven not only shows an indepence in Bender, but could also display that his parent's may not even care enough to take him. This could also show that he comes from a poor background and so walks as him and his family can't afford any other mode of transport.

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