Thursday 9 January 2014

Travelling and Arriving

Breakfast Club Modes of Transport

In the film breakfast club the teens arrive at school by different modes of transport, this can define who they are and tell the audience what they are like, it sets up who the characters are at the very start of the film. Travelling and arriving forms a key part of the opening of a lot of teen dramas.

The first girl that arrives shows up in a BMW a car that is quite expensive this shows that she is wealthy and well of. The conversation with her father shows that she is spoilt and treated like a princess.
 The second car that arrives looks like a cheap car. In the car is the male teen, sibling and mother bundled up in the car, this shows that there is no room, and not as wealthy as the first girl that arrived.
The third male teen that arrives is a Jock and the audience can see this through the jacket he is wearing. He is quite well off but his Dad is pushy and trying to encourage him to behave.
The car that the Jock arrives in is a 4x4 and there is a lot of room for him and his Dad. As he leaves the car he leaves behind a slight frustrated slam.

The fourth male teen that arrives is walking, with sunglasses on hands in pockets he is almost hit by a car by another teen's parents. He does not even care that he is almost hit and carries on walking like nothing happened.


The final teen that arrived was female in a decent looking car, she most likely arrived with her parents but there was no interaction between them. When she got out of the car it looked like she was going to say bye to her parents, but the car drove of right away. This could mean that she is lonely and does not have a great relationship with her parents.


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