Thursday 9 January 2014

Donnie Darko: Character Analysis


This character is shown to be with a some friends, the small size of their friendship group suggests they are quite close. The main character is also suggested as he is in the middle of his group of friends. 

This person is shown to be quite a menacing character as his screwed up facial expression suggests this. From this I can conclude that he may be the school bully/bad boy, the picture below also shows this as he is shown sniffing cocaine or some type of drug during school. 

This woman is shown to scowl at a student and follows him with her eyes, this conveys her as a stern teacher who may not like her job.

This man is shown to be greeted by some of the teachers in school, this could mean he is a new member of staff as their stiff body language suggests they aren't familiar with each other.

This group of students seem to be younger than the other characters which could suggest that one may be the sister or have a story that is related to another main character.

The synchronised dance shows that they are best friends or "BFF"s, this is also shown when they hug each other after they're done. The close up of one girl suggests that she is the one of the main characters.

This character is shown to be a relatively young teacher, the bland expression of her face may suggest that she doesn't want be there or is nervous about the day.  
This shown as she is seen taking a deep breath before going into the classroom to almost prepare herself for the day.

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