Thursday 30 January 2014



Some shots were very successful and others were not. Some shots were very clear and the subject were within the camera frame and the unsuccessful shots had too much space above the subjects head, also some shots were unsuccessful because there angle wasn't clear, the image was wonky so it wasn't at an eye level. The most successful shots were the close ups and extreme close ups on the face and object, as everything was clear and in frame. 

This has helped us in a lot of ways because it will help us when it comes to filming our own storyboard and title sequence. We will make sure each shot is clear (in focus), that all subjects are in frame and that the angles/shots are correct.

Monday 27 January 2014


We have a generated a list of props we will need when creating our title sequence.

Props for each character

Here we have generated a list props we will need for each character

1- The hood rat/Gangster - Played by Grace


  • Trainers
  • Hoop Earrings
  • Tracksuit
  • Puffy Jacket

2- Mother/teen mum - Played by Bernice



  • Onesie
  • Slippers
  •  Black Outfit 
Basic t shirt and jeans with a black winter coat

3- Employed Teen - Played by Shardonnay


  • Work Clothes ( smart trousers, shirt and jacket)
  • Glasses
  • Watch
  • Flat Shoes
  • Side/Handbag

4- Relative of Employed Teen - Played by Sophie


  • Sleepwear -Top
  • Blanket
Extra Props:

  • Toy Baby (Baby essentials - baby bottle, blanket)
  • Alarm Clocks
  • Keyboard 
  • Computer
  • Telephone
  • Mobile Phones

Thursday 23 January 2014


Our group has discussed different ways in which we could approach final project, after discussing with our media teacher we decided we should do the opening from Boyz in da hood. The problem was we felt as if the actual opening from the film might be too difficult and so we decided that maybe it wasn't the right idea. In the end we decided that instead of taking the exact opening of Boyz in da hood, we should use the concept of the film as inspiration.At the beginning of Boyz in da hood they displayed the messages below.

This gave us the idea that we should slightly adapt this message in order to relate to young black teens growing up in deprived areas of London as our group is entirely made up of black teens. This allowed us to use hood films from the UK (such as Kidulthood) as inspiration alongside our original concept of an "english Boyz in da hood"

Character ideas

From this idea our group also came up with a few characters we could use to introduce in our opening such as;

  • The unemployed teen mum
  • The "hoodrat"
  • The smart girl/ "nerd" who wants to do something productive with her life
  • The girl who has to work to support her family(possibly a dropout)
We are planning to use locations and heavily stereotyped costume in order to clearly introduced these characters as we are only allowed to use limited/no dialogue.


We have been experimenting to show how sound can be used in order to introduce a character as practise for our final project.  I have used the 90's film "Higher Learning" as my practise tool. The main aspect of using sound in this way would be to heavily stereotype the characters, I used rap music for the black male, pop music for the white female and rock music for the rough looking white male. Below is the end result.


We have been experimenting to show how sound can be used in order to introduce a character, as practise for our final project.  We have used the 90's film "Higher Learning" as our practise tool. The main aspect of using sound in this way would be to heavily stereotype the characters, I used rap music for the black male, pop music for the white female and rock music for the rough looking white male.
 Below is our end result.



This is our remake of the opening of the classic 90's teen film, "The Breakfast Club".

Wednesday 22 January 2014


Here I am brainstorming some ideas for our own film

I have generated a a small list of teen films that I enjoy

  • Superbad
    We wouldn't be able to do the Superbad opening because it is animation of them dancing and we do not have the technology to recreate it.
  • She's the man
    They take a funny approach in this film, which i think would be fun to do for our movie. The main character is played by a girl who is playing a boy, which is going against gender stereotype that all females are super girly.
  • Napoleon Dynamite
    My all time favourite film. He is a nerd, who is very whimsical, which makes the film super funny
  • 10 Things I Hate About You
    The concept of the story is interesting, but it is a romance film which makes it hard for our group to be able to do
  • Boys in the hood
    I love how it relates to a lot of teens and talks about things that are currently going in this generation. We would approach this with a female version, female hoodrats, young moms, young carers and so on. I feel this is an idea my group like the most and we will work around this strong hitting political idea.

Saturday 18 January 2014

Cinema Experience 2

12 Years a Slave

Over the weekend i went out with my family to the cinema and watched a film. It was 12 Years a Slave the film was amazing and really captured  slavery in 19th century America. 

Wednesday 15 January 2014


During the filming of our remake of The Breakfast Club, we used many props in order for remake to resemble the actual film as much as possible. These include:

A hoodie

Nerdy glasses


and some of our own clothing.

Other props

Fig rig

There was a car scene  in which we need something that resembled a steering wheel so that it looked like a car was being driven we took our initiative and used the fig rig as it was the closest prop to a steering wheel. The tripod was of great help when trying to keep the camera still and steady.

Toy cars

As we could not use real cars whilst filming, we use miniature toy cars and zoomed into them so they filled up the whole screen so that they could appear as realistic as possible.

Miniature trophies

When using the the trophies, we did the same thing that we zoomed into them for them to appear as a realistic size.

We used various locations inside our college as well as outside such as the library, the canteen area and outside of our college as well. We used as many as we could

Sunday 12 January 2014

Donnie Darko Analysis

Editing and Camera 

In the clip Donnie Darko, I've been looking at editing and camera work and some of the key editing and camera work I've spotted are; Slow motion, Fast motion, flashes, camera tilting, wide shot, shot transitions, cuts, scene wipes, jump cuts, tracking shot, panning shot and how these things effect the sequence.

At the beginning of the clip, we are introduced a slow beat music and a camera technique used tilting upwards with a slow motion edit technique as the boy opens the car door to get out. Also, the music gets louder and faster after a few seconds of watching the clip, we instantly can tell that the movie is full of drama.

These wide shots show just before the children enter the school in slow motion. 

Then we are introduced to the Another camera technique used is 'panning.' When the three boys walk into the school they all look straight ahead as if they are looking at somebody. 

 After the camera pans, there is a mid shot of another person. This shot shows their dramatic facial expression as well as the background. The slow motion in these shots suggest  there's some sort of conflict  between the two characters,like they've been arguing about something or that they cannot share something in their lives. 

The tracking shot is constantly used within the characters to introduce them to the audience. The camera work has been used to introduce the character/personality of character. For example: when the camera follows the 'good looking guy' as he screws the other guy to present his ugly personality to the audience. 

Thursday 9 January 2014


Locations and mise-en-scene 
In the clip there are many different locations used however they are all within school premises. In the beginning we can see a yellow school bus and students getting off, the next location is the entrance of the school we can see the typical look of a school such as a green front porch, stairs to the school entrance and large windows.
The following location is the hallway of the school here we can see that all of the students have a school uniform, which is a white shirt and either navy blue school dress for girls or navy blue trousers for boys. In the hallways yet again we can see a typical school look such as each students having their own locker, books, teachers invigilating the halls and notice boards about clubs and what not.
The following locations are within the school premises and these are outside in the school playground and next to the school statue where we can see students walking around in their groups or clangs.
The last location used is in a classroom, in this location we can see that in the muse-en-scene there are books, tables,, chairs, the USA flag, a teacher at the front of the class and students. All of these background details create a successful world of school.

Rebel student is walking down the hallway. 
Next to the statue, outside in the school playground. 
In the classroom.
In the beginning we can see that there is a boy who has an unbuttoned shirt which  makes him look unpresentable and not ready to go to school. He also pulls a funny face at the teachers which shows that he has no respect for the teacher and he is not taken seriously. The teacher then reacts by giving the student an evil eye and then follows him indicating that he is going to get into trouble.
Next, we see a girl who's looking into her mirror suggesting that she's insecure and more worried about how she looks rather than focusing on her studies. 

One of the characters - The teacher giving the evil eye and the other looking into the mirror. 

Donnie Darko Analysis: Locations and Mise en Scene

Donnie Darko Analysis :Locations ans Mise-en-Scene

A school bus arrives on the scene which means the setting is a school, even school children jump out the bus who are wearing uniform.
The school children are all dressed alike wearing school uniform, walking into a large  building which is their school.
There is a hallway where the teens are carrying books with them and there is lockers, which the teens keep their belongings in.
The lockers are typically part of American teen films.
Most teen films have a school yard where most of the teens hang out and play together, the school yard can be where most of the drama happens.
Class rooms are always most likely to be in a teen film. This shows that the teens are still in education and are maturing.

The teacher is most dominant in the class room because all the students should be sitting down. The teens would be viewing the teacher at a higher angle.

Donnie Darko: Character Analysis


This character is shown to be with a some friends, the small size of their friendship group suggests they are quite close. The main character is also suggested as he is in the middle of his group of friends. 

This person is shown to be quite a menacing character as his screwed up facial expression suggests this. From this I can conclude that he may be the school bully/bad boy, the picture below also shows this as he is shown sniffing cocaine or some type of drug during school. 

This woman is shown to scowl at a student and follows him with her eyes, this conveys her as a stern teacher who may not like her job.

This man is shown to be greeted by some of the teachers in school, this could mean he is a new member of staff as their stiff body language suggests they aren't familiar with each other.

This group of students seem to be younger than the other characters which could suggest that one may be the sister or have a story that is related to another main character.

The synchronised dance shows that they are best friends or "BFF"s, this is also shown when they hug each other after they're done. The close up of one girl suggests that she is the one of the main characters.

This character is shown to be a relatively young teacher, the bland expression of her face may suggest that she doesn't want be there or is nervous about the day.  
This shown as she is seen taking a deep breath before going into the classroom to almost prepare herself for the day.


Breakfast club shot by shot remake

Travelling And Arriving - What i Learnt

What I Learnt Today

Travelling and Arriving

Breakfast Club Modes of Transport

In the film breakfast club the teens arrive at school by different modes of transport, this can define who they are and tell the audience what they are like, it sets up who the characters are at the very start of the film. Travelling and arriving forms a key part of the opening of a lot of teen dramas.

The first girl that arrives shows up in a BMW a car that is quite expensive this shows that she is wealthy and well of. The conversation with her father shows that she is spoilt and treated like a princess.
 The second car that arrives looks like a cheap car. In the car is the male teen, sibling and mother bundled up in the car, this shows that there is no room, and not as wealthy as the first girl that arrived.
The third male teen that arrives is a Jock and the audience can see this through the jacket he is wearing. He is quite well off but his Dad is pushy and trying to encourage him to behave.
The car that the Jock arrives in is a 4x4 and there is a lot of room for him and his Dad. As he leaves the car he leaves behind a slight frustrated slam.

The fourth male teen that arrives is walking, with sunglasses on hands in pockets he is almost hit by a car by another teen's parents. He does not even care that he is almost hit and carries on walking like nothing happened.


The final teen that arrived was female in a decent looking car, she most likely arrived with her parents but there was no interaction between them. When she got out of the car it looked like she was going to say bye to her parents, but the car drove of right away. This could mean that she is lonely and does not have a great relationship with her parents.