Monday 23 December 2013



The Bling Ring is a teen movie based on a real life situations where a group of young teenagers robbed celebrities houses. What makes this movie different to typical teen movies is that rather than having people being bitchy towards each other, they team up and target celeb houses. The fact that the movie is based on real life events and links in with the celebrity lifestyle make the film more different to other teen films

There are multiple conventions that tie together that makes this film a teen movie.

Themes/ topics
  • fashion
  • crime
  • drugs
  • alcohol
  • partying
  • relationships/friendships
  • greed/money
  • fashion
  • peer pressure 
  • stereotypical teenagers
  • authorities ruining the teenagers fun (police)
  • parent's who are portrayed as lenient and clueless. 
  • high school
  • clubs
  • celeb houses
  • parent's houses 
  • designer clothes and jewellery 
  • Music
  • hip hop/r'n'b
  • dancehall 

The specific teen movie stereotypes in this film are that teenagers are greedy, selfish and shallow, this is because towards the end, they get caught and one of the girls lies and says she wasn't involved in the robbery to the police. This proves that she's selfish because everyone else owned up except her, also she was the ring leader. It also shows that teenagers are quite naive because when they robbed the first house, they didn't get caught so they got confident until they did get caught by the police.
The clique also portray teenagers as party animals and alcohol/drug addicts. In the movie, there were scenes after scenes of the group taking cocaine and continuously drinking at clubs and parties. A lot of teenagers can relate to this sort of lifestyle. We hardly see them at home and when we do, they don't seem to happy or they are getting ready to go out.

Teenagers can also relate to this movie in terms of how they contact each other. Other than their mobile phones, facebook was a main source of contact for the clique and many people can relate as teenagers spend most of their time online talking to their friends, not so much facebook, as new social media link have blown up.

The protagonist is presented as...

The protagonist (Marc) is portrayed as being vulnerable and gullible at the start of the film, simply because he follows the main girl into the houses of people he knows and says things like 'we should go now' and 'we shouldn't be here' but rather than actually leaving he stays along her side like a puppy. When he finally understands what she is really doing, he comes out of his shell and starts going along with her to all the robberies and even finding the address of the celebrity's houses on the internet. A key important pint is that he also begins to take a lot of drugs and alcohol, this shows that he is easily influenced. The protagonist is the same in most teen dramas, as they all make really bad chices and have isuuues with friends or any friends at all.

I think the movie opened a lot of teenagers eyes, as it is shocking to think that this is what the world is turning into. It should hit home to those who live similar lifestyles portrayed in the films.

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