Thursday 26 December 2013


Carrie is an American supernatural horror film, that was based on the 1974 novel of the same name written by Stephen King.

Carrie is an American supernatural horror film, that was based on the 1974 novel of the same name written by Stephen King.

Carrie White is a shy, friendless 17-year old girl who is the butt of practical jokes at her small-town high school, whilst also being abused by her unstable mother Margaret, who is a religious fanatic.
One day at the gym during the showers, Carrie experiences her first period, having no prior knowledge of menstruation, Carrie believes she is bleeding to death. After her class mates taunt her about her horrified reaction to her unexpected first period, one of them takes pity on her (Sue) and gets Tommy, her boyfriend and class hunk to invite Carrie to the senior prom.
At the prom Carrie is surprised that she and Tommy are named prom king and queen. As the couple approaches the stage, Sue discovers Chris holding a rope attached to the bucket of pig's blood. Before Sue can warn Carrie, Miss Collins forces her out, believing she is there for mischief. After the crowns are placed on Carrie and Tommy's heads, Chris pulls the rope and they get drenched in pig's blood. Chris and Billy escape the gym, and Tommy is unconscious after getting hit by the falling bucket. Carrie starts to imagine that she sees the whole room (including Miss Collins) laughing at her.

Carrie snaps in a cold rage, and telekinetically seals the exits. She then manipulates a fire hose and uses it to blast the student body with water. The water makes contact with the electrical wiring and ignites a fire that consumes the gym. Nearly all of the students and faculty, including Miss Collins, are killed. Chris and Billy witness the carnage from a high window. Carrie leaves the gym and heads home. Chris and Billy attempt to run Carrie over with Billy's car, but Carrie telekinetically flips the car over and causes it to explode, killing both of them.
Carrie returns home.She embraces Carrie as the two recite the Lord's Prayer together in peace. In the middle of the prayer, Margaret stabs Carrie in the back. Carrie falls down the stairs and is cornered in the kitchen by her crazed Mother, who believes that killing Carrie will bring peace. Carrie defends herself by crucifying her mother in the kitchen doorway, throwing numerous blades and knives into her hands, chest and abdomen. Overcome with grief, Carrie unhooks her mother just as she causes the house to collapse on the two of them, before ultimately burning to the ground.
Sometime later, Sue, the sole survivor of the prom, has a dream in which she visits where Carrie's house stood. As she places flowers on the ground, Carrie's bloody hand shoots out of the ground and grabs her wrist. Sue wakes up screaming in her mother's arms.

Many films had featured school bullies, but Carrie was one of the first to focus on the special brand of cruelty unique to teenage girls. Carrie's world is presented as a snake pit.


Well, this is an old film so technology was different back then and watching it now in this present day makes it funny. I say it's funny because they make everything so dramatic, the use extreme close ups and cheesy sounds to match up with them. Also, the fake blood used doesn't look too realistic, but it doesn't matter, i think it made it funnier to watch, as times have changed. There is also a remake to this movie, that has a lot of CGI, better CGI than this one, but i still prefer this this one, maybe because it is the original. I do like the fact that they used extreme close ups and cheesy sounds to intensify the drama, because i actually think it made the film a little bit more scary. The sounds make you think something bad is going to happen which gets your heart racing, so i think that was very well thought out. I also think the way they presented the stereotype of a mean girl was very well done and the psychotic mum was wonderful too. On a whole the film was great to watch and even though it was made years ago key shots and sounds were used to have a huge effect on the audience.

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