Monday 9 December 2013


What is a teen film?

Teen films are films created around teen themes and are targeted towards teenagers; swell as young which the plot is based upon the special interests of teenagers, Most teen film genres orientate around the sub genres of first love, rebellion, conflict with parents or teachers, teen angst or alienation.

Other sub genres:
High School

Conventional themes in teen films

The conventional theme of a teen film depends on its genre. Below I have put some themes and topics found in different genre teen films that were all created in different eras (but still have similar themes and topics within them).

Grease (1978)
The themes/topics circulated in this film are:

- Romance
  This has to do with characters fist love or just the man in characters falling in love

- Musical
  Not all teen movies are musicals but grease is, and at the time it was release singing and dancing was popular amongst teens.

- Heartbreak
  This ties in with romance too because nearly all teen films have dilemma and the heartbreak plays a role in this particular film.

- Comedy

- School

   Most of the setting is located in school, since they are teens and school is where teens spend most of their time at.
Love and basketball (2000)
The themes/topics circulated in this film are:

- Romance

  This theme shows up in a lot of teen films, in this film we see it from a young age within the characters and then also when they are older and have finally fallen in love.

- Sports

- Comedy
  Most teen films use comedy different, some use comedy to tell serious stories and some use it to exaggerate (mostly when showing a stereotype)

- Friendship

- Drama

- Heartbreak

  I think this would go with romance as it usually seen a lot in movies. The characters fall in love, something happens and they break up, some get back together in the end and others don't. It all depends on the story line, but in this film it ends on a romantic note.

The Perks Of Being A Wallflower (2012)
The themes/topics circulated in this film are:

- First love (romance)

- Sexuality
  The theme of sexuality can be very dominate in some teen films or not very, but sex is a very common topic

- Drama

- Isolation
  Some teen films circulate around this theme of depression and isolation but further along into the story it will get better or worse, which again depends on the genre

- Violence 
  There is only a little bit of violent in the film, but it could also go as conflict with students.


Stereotypical characters:
Most of these stereotypical characters would be main characters in teen films
  • Popular guy - Usually is very sporty and lots of girls like him 
  • Nerd - Very smart girl/boy who has nerdy friends
  • Underdog (shy person) - Doesn't have any Friends but later on in the film either gets a boyfriend or is really popular
  • Diva
  • New girl/boy
  • Rebel
  • The popular pretty girl (with her clique)
  • Outsider 
  • Bully
(examples: Popular guy ~ Troy from High School Musical and on the right The Nerds seth, evan and fogell from superbad) 


What are the typical locations in teen films?
  • At home
    In the living room
    Bathroom (toilet/shower)

  • At school (top common location)
    Gymnasium (basketball court or sports hall)
     Toilets (boys or girls)

  • Hang out locationsSkate parksEstateRestaurants
    Someones house (friend/relative/neighbours)
    Shopping centre
  • Other locationsPartiesInside a car

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