Wednesday 4 December 2013


Here are a list of common things that happen at the start of a film:

  • The setting and location is shown, so the audience know where the storyline is taking place.
  • Plot/storyline
  •  Establishing shot
  • Title
  • Music (especially in teen movies)
  • The main characters are introduced at the start of the film and also the role they play is also established at the start of the film
  • Film identity
  • Narrator (Yes in some teen films)

Some examples (All examples are used from teen films):

Main characters are used in all teen films and the role each character plays is usually established at the beginning of the film (example, ) . 'Main character' introduction and 'setting and location' can be seen in 21 JUMP STREET and JUNO.

Here is the clip from Juno

Juno (2007) — Art of the Title

Another example i found was music, titles and also introduction a main characters in THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER AND NAPOLEON DYNAMITE


Music and character : Napoleon Dynamite (2004) — Art of the Title

'Narrator' can is used in some teen films but it is not very commonly used..A good example of when 'narrator' is used at the start of a film is in the film WARM BODIES 

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