Monday 9 December 2013

Genre and Convention

What is a teen film?

A teen films is a type of film that is targeted at teenagers and young adults, in order to do this the characters may include popular teen stereotypes such as:

  • Cheerleader/popular girl 
  • Jock/popular guy 
  • Nerd/underdog 
  • Rebel 
  • Loner/Weirdo 
  • Token black guy 
  • "The Bitch"

Characters in teen films are normally based on strong teenage stereotypes. The presence of these stereotypes in the film increases popularity as it is relatable to their target audience.The Breakfast Club has used all of these stereotypes in their film, this is one of the reasons that would explain why people would call this a "classic".

Teen films also appeal to their target audience by using themes that are of interest to them, popular sub genres of teen films include:
  • Romance 
  • Drama 
  • Comedy 
  • Rebellion
Teen films tend to use common settings their target audience would find themselves in, this is another way of appealing to their interests as it is again relatable. The characters would normally be found in places such as; school, home, parties etc. An example of places in the home would be:

  • Bedroom
  • Kitchen
  • Garden
  • Living room



17 Again

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